In this second sermon of the Lenten Banner Series we take a look at Peter's denial.
There is something universally true about fact that we have all denied Christ and walked away from his love. (Isa 53:6) And we probably all face the fear that we have sinned too horribly to be forgiven.
Guilt has a sticky quality. It is like super glue and almost impossible to get it off of you. On occasion we even convince ourselves that God cannot forgive us.
But that is not true. When we look at the rooster it reminds us of our sin, our guilt like Peter's. But if we remember, Christ was headed to the cross at the same time as Peter was Denying him. His guilt was removed at the same time that that Peter created it.
The same is true for us. Christ has washed our sin and guilt away no matter what you have done.
Today if you still have some guilt or a barrier in a relationship, it is time to forgive just as Christ forgave you.