Sermon Player -

Monday, June 30, 2008

Real Life

The truth of life is that most people (especially the postmoderns) spend 3x more time on the internet per day than they to in church per week. That means they stare at a computer screen, watch video's, play games, listen to audio feeds, email, Blog, or Instant Message more than 21 hours per week (That is conservative in my guess) and only spend 1 hour per week engaging God in the traditional venue we call Church. The attempt of creating a greater web presence for Geneseo United Methodist Church, is an attempt at making disciples of Jesus Christ in this modern paradigm.

Each week, I will enter a new post with connection to the audio and print versions of the sermon. I invite members of the congregation and community to post comments, questions, struggles, or otherwise for the benefit of all.

Blessings in Christ, Pastor C Ferguson


  1. Well, it is interesting to see that so far 5 of you have actually listened to the audio "stepping out in Faith" I am hoping some of you will share comments regarding this possible form of ministry. Blessings, CF

  2. Make that 9 with two podcasts, I take that as a good sign, at least you are checking it out.
